Promotional Toolkit

Welcome to the #EAHAD2023 Promotional Toolkit!

We look forward to welcoming you to the 16th Annual Congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders, EAHAD 2023, gathering physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, psychosocial professionals, and all other caregivers in our field. The EAHAD 2023 promotional toolkit has been created to help you spread the word, get involved, and continue the conversation before, during, and after the Congress.

Below you can find promotional materials, including official EAHAD 2023 social media content and print advert.


The official hashtag is #EAHAD2023. Make sure to use the hashtag when tweeting and posting, to encourage discussion and participation. Hashtags help connect in-person and online attendees within related conversations and are also searchable, making them a valuable resource for our community. We highlight and encourage the use of hashtags but recommend using no more than three per tweet or post.

Other hashtags you can include in your tweets and posts include:


What to share

Here are some tips and ideas on what to share during #EAHAD2023:

  • Live tweets from the main programme scientific sessions, the AHP Day, and poster presentations. Be sure to use the official hashtag #EAHAD2023.
  • Retweet and repost interesting #EAHAD2023 posts from other influencers in #Haemophilia.
  • Tell us where you are attending from – your country, your home, office, or institution.
  • Share your thoughts, ideas, and impressions. Let’s get the conversation going!

Official social media graphics

You can use the official graphics for your social media posts before, during, and after the Congress.

LinkedIn and Twitter:

Sample Copy (Feel free to edit)

Prior to Congress
  • I will be attending #EAHAD2023 in Manchester from 7 – 10 February 2023. Let’s connect and share our latest findings in the field of #Haemophilia!
  • I will be attending the #EAHAD2023 Congress from home/my office! Join me online from 7 – 10 February 2023.
  • Looking forward to hearing the latest scientific results on #Haemophilia during the #EAHAD2023 Congress! Check out the programme here:
  • Excited to attend the #EAHAD2023 Allied Health Professionals Day. Join me on 7 February 2023, and connect with fellow nurses, physiotherapists, and psychosocial professionals. You can view the programme here:
During the Congress
  • I am at the #EAHAD2023 Congress taking place in Manchester and it’s looking excellent! #FOMO? You can still join online at
  • I am logging on for #EAHAD2023! You can also join us:
  • Just prepared my presentation for the #EAHAD2023 Congress! I am really looking forward to discussing [insert one or two session themes] –
  • I am excited to be a part of #EAHAD2023 – the largest European meeting on #haemophilia and allied disorders –
  • Very informative sessions taking place at #AHP Day! If you’re not here in Manchester, you can still join us online at
  • Very informative sessions taking place at #AHP Day! You can still join us online at

Print Advert

The print advert is A4 and can be used in journals, event programmes, or printed as a flyer for notice boards or for distribution in hospitals.

    With the kind support of


    Follow us:

    Twitter: @EAHADnews

    LinkedIn: @EAHAD

    MCI Group collects your personal data to submit information related to EAHAD. For more information:
    Privacy Statement.

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